Views & News

UK Equity Income Bulletin

| UK Equities
James Lowen
Clive Beagles
01 Mar 2022

•    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dominated the 2nd half of February; beyond the human tragedy, a rise in commodities, especially oil, thermal coal & wheat, fanned inflation worries.

•    The Fund underperformed, particularly over the last 3 trading days as the Ukraine crisis saw a ‘risk off’ mentality, pushing the market mix towards growth/defensives over value.

•    Despite a weaker month on geopolitical uncertainty, with valuations across our cohort of stocks very low, we continue to see potential for a strong year of relative outperformance.

UK equities blog

•    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dominated the 2nd half of February; beyond the human tragedy, a rise in commodities, especially oil, thermal coal & wheat, fanned inflation worries.

•    The Fund underperformed, particularly over the last 3 trading days as the Ukraine crisis saw a ‘risk off’ mentality, pushing the market mix towards growth/defensives over value.

•    Despite a weaker month on geopolitical uncertainty, with valuations across our cohort of stocks very low, we continue to see potential for a strong year of relative outperformance.

UK equities blog


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