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Organising the future

with Andrew Parry

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S2 E3: Pension Funds vs the Real Economy

S2 E3: Pension Funds vs the Real Economy

How can the assets controlled by pension funds be allocated to the best outcome for both scheme members and the wider economy? Does current regulation encourage too much caution?

Our Guest: Wyn Francis has worked for over 15 years at was the BT pension fund – one of the largest in the UK – and what is now Brightwell. He was deputy chief investment officer from 2014 and chief investment officer since January 2021.

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The information contained within this podcast including any expression of opinion is for information purposes only and is given on the understanding that it is not a recommendation. Views are as of date of recording and are subject to change.

  • #3
  • 01 Jul 2024 | 34m mins
S2 E2: The Nature of Risk, the Risk of Nature

S2 E2: The Nature of Risk, the Risk of Nature

How can investors grapple with an issue as big as climate change? How do we introduce the risk of climate change into portfolios? How can we realistically measure long-range outcomes?

Our Guest: Harald Walkate is an adviser on sustainable finance and senior fellow at the University of Zurich CSP. He is also a pianist and composer.


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The information contained within this podcast including any expression of opinion is for information purposes only and is given on the understanding that it is not a recommendation. Views are as of date of recording and are subject to change.

  • #2
  • 02 May 2024 | 36m mins

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