Views & News

A View from Asia

| Asian Equities
Samir Mehta
06 Jul 2019
  • It is easy to remain pessimistic on the outlook for global economic growth when so much is dependent on the vicissitudes of trade negotiations.
  • Despite the macro uncertainty, the majority of our portfolio comprises companies that are, in my opinion, either benefiting from disruption or aiding the disruption in their respective industries.
  • I have tightened the monitoring process for each and remain cognisant that changes in today’s economic environment happen fast. 

  • It is easy to remain pessimistic on the outlook for global economic growth when so much is dependent on the vicissitudes of trade negotiations.
  • Despite the macro uncertainty, the majority of our portfolio comprises companies that are, in my opinion, either benefiting from disruption or aiding the disruption in their respective industries.
  • I have tightened the monitoring process for each and remain cognisant that changes in today’s economic environment happen fast. 


Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. The information contained herein including any expression of opinion is for information purposes only and is given on the understanding that it is not a recommendation. 

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