Views & News

A View from Asia

| Asian Equities
Samir Mehta
05 Mar 2018
"The luxury of today is the necessity of tomorrow. Every advance first comes into being as the luxury of a few rich people, only to become, after a time, an indispensable necessity taken for granted by everyone."  – Ludwig Von Mises.

Most of us can relate to that statement. The best manifestation of this societal norm is the smartphone. Perhaps the millennials of today might include ride-sharing and home-delivered food in that category. But could Von Mises have ever dreamt it could apply to policies by the central banks? As every major central bank talks about normalising monetary policy, all of us have to wonder whether asset markets and, in turn, the real economy are hooked on the necessity of quantitative easing.

Recent data indicates the global economy remains healthy with few clouds on the horizon. This naturally raises a question on the possibility of higher inflation across the world. Several data points suggest that inflation indeed is on the rise. If this portends a structural rise in interest rates, there will be an inevitable need to normalise monetary policy. At the same time, advances in AI, machine learning and robotics indicate a structural deflation, which could mean this nascent rise in inflation is just cyclical in nature.

Cleaner Chinese skies over chasing growth   

Amidst this macro uncertainty, I do want to emphasise a distinct change for the better in the Chinese financial system. In no way do I suggest it is in pristine health. Accumulated debt from the stimulus-induced binge post 2009 and the spread of shadow banking to prop up the property markets very much remain a lurking risk. Yet, as I have mentioned before, the closures of capacity in several basic industries is a development worth noting. As a commentary from Gavekal Economics puts it: “There seems to be a change in the incentive system for the party officials and heads of governments across China." 

In the past, every Chinese government official was measured by GDP growth they delivered, no matter the cost. If the by-product of that obsession with growth meant too much debt and rising leverage, or massive overcapacity, or pollution, so be it. But with President Xi Jinping now focused on reducing pollution, we have seen some drastic cuts in capacity in steel, coal, cement and maybe aluminium. If this change in focus is sustained, the new incentive system will mean that growth is subjugated to quality growth. The result will be better cash flows and healthier companies. This in turn helps the banking system, as the banks' non-performing loans have in probably peaked for the moment. Simultaneously, the quasi-nationalisation of Anbang Insurance is evidence of the seriousness of the authorities to clamp down on debt accumulation. A company formed in 2004 as a motor insurance firm had accumulated US$300bn of assets by 2017 – most of them acquired from borrowed short duration money!  

Deeds not words

The risk of a trade war and imposition of tariffs is a real risk for economies across the world. Yet, similar to much that comes from this White House, I would rather wait and see how much of what is said is finally implemented. I recollect in the early days of the Trump administration talk of levying an import tax. Analysts worked on various scenarios and modelled spreadsheets with ‘what if’ scenarios. Ultimately, this talk came to naught. With a return of volatility, markets are bound to gyrate around worst-case scenarios of possible tariffs and extrapolate them to infinity. Personally, I still think that the improving global economic scenario and diminishing financial risks in China are bigger positives that outweigh the potential risk of trade war rhetoric. 

"The luxury of today is the necessity of tomorrow. Every advance first comes into being as the luxury of a few rich people, only to become, after a time, an indispensable necessity taken for granted by everyone."  – Ludwig Von Mises.

Most of us can relate to that statement. The best manifestation of this societal norm is the smartphone. Perhaps the millennials of today might include ride-sharing and home-delivered food in that category. But could Von Mises have ever dreamt it could apply to policies by the central banks? As every major central bank talks about normalising monetary policy, all of us have to wonder whether asset markets and, in turn, the real economy are hooked on the necessity of quantitative easing.

Recent data indicates the global economy remains healthy with few clouds on the horizon. This naturally raises a question on the possibility of higher inflation across the world. Several data points suggest that inflation indeed is on the rise. If this portends a structural rise in interest rates, there will be an inevitable need to normalise monetary policy. At the same time, advances in AI, machine learning and robotics indicate a structural deflation, which could mean this nascent rise in inflation is just cyclical in nature.

Cleaner Chinese skies over chasing growth   

Amidst this macro uncertainty, I do want to emphasise a distinct change for the better in the Chinese financial system. In no way do I suggest it is in pristine health. Accumulated debt from the stimulus-induced binge post 2009 and the spread of shadow banking to prop up the property markets very much remain a lurking risk. Yet, as I have mentioned before, the closures of capacity in several basic industries is a development worth noting. As a commentary from Gavekal Economics puts it: “There seems to be a change in the incentive system for the party officials and heads of governments across China." 

In the past, every Chinese government official was measured by GDP growth they delivered, no matter the cost. If the by-product of that obsession with growth meant too much debt and rising leverage, or massive overcapacity, or pollution, so be it. But with President Xi Jinping now focused on reducing pollution, we have seen some drastic cuts in capacity in steel, coal, cement and maybe aluminium. If this change in focus is sustained, the new incentive system will mean that growth is subjugated to quality growth. The result will be better cash flows and healthier companies. This in turn helps the banking system, as the banks' non-performing loans have in probably peaked for the moment. Simultaneously, the quasi-nationalisation of Anbang Insurance is evidence of the seriousness of the authorities to clamp down on debt accumulation. A company formed in 2004 as a motor insurance firm had accumulated US$300bn of assets by 2017 – most of them acquired from borrowed short duration money!  

Deeds not words

The risk of a trade war and imposition of tariffs is a real risk for economies across the world. Yet, similar to much that comes from this White House, I would rather wait and see how much of what is said is finally implemented. I recollect in the early days of the Trump administration talk of levying an import tax. Analysts worked on various scenarios and modelled spreadsheets with ‘what if’ scenarios. Ultimately, this talk came to naught. With a return of volatility, markets are bound to gyrate around worst-case scenarios of possible tariffs and extrapolate them to infinity. Personally, I still think that the improving global economic scenario and diminishing financial risks in China are bigger positives that outweigh the potential risk of trade war rhetoric. 


Source: JOHCM/Bloomberg unless otherwise stated. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may not get back your original investment. Investors should note that this Fund invests in emerging markets and such investments may carry risks with failed or delayed settlement and with registration and custody of securities. Companies in emerging markets may not be subject to accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards or be subject to the same level of government supervision and regulation as in more developed markets. The information contained herein including any expression of opinion is for information purposes only and is given on the understanding that it is not a recommendation. Government involvement in the economy may affect the value of investments and the risk of political instability may be high. The reliability of trading and settlement systems in some emerging markets may not be equal to that available in more developed markets which may result in problems in realising investments. Lack of liquidity and efficiency in certain of the stock markets or foreign exchange markets in certain emerging markets may mean that from time to time the Investment Manager may experience difficulty in purchasing or selling holdings of securities. Furthermore, due to local postal and banking systems, no guarantee can be given that all entitlements attaching to quoted and over-the-counter traded securities acquired by this Fund, including those related to dividends, can be realised. Issued and approved in the UK by J O Hambro Capital Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. JOHCM® is a registered trademark of J O Hambro Capital Management Ltd. J O Hambro® is a registered trademark of Barnham Broom Ltd. Registered in England and Wales under No: 2176004. Registered address: Ground Floor, Ryder Court, 14 Ryder Street, London SW1Y 6QB.

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