
Global / International Equities

  • International Select

    The JOHCM International Select strategy invests in both developed international (excluding the United States) and emerging equity markets and offers a distinctive investment style that combines growth and value disciplines.

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  • Global Select

    The JOHCM Global Select strategy invests in both developed international and emerging equity markets and offers a distinctive investment style that combines growth and value disciplines.

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  • Global Opportunities

    JOHCM Global Opportunities is a high conviction, benchmark-unconstrained stock picking strategy that invests in both developed and emerging markets. Experienced fund managers Ben Leyland and Robert Lancastle, bring to bear the same successful investment philosophy and process that have established the JOHCM UK Opportunities Fund as a leading UK equities fund, focusing on quality companies that are capable of producing compounding growth over the long term.

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Global Emerging Markets Equities

  • Global Emerging Markets

    Experienced emerging equity market investors Emery Brewer and Ivo Kovachev use a predominantly stock-picking approach in finding opportunities in the fast-growing developing markets. They focus on growth companies that have the potential to develop world-class products or become industry leaders in local markets.

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  • Global Emerging Markets Opportunities

    Fund managers James Syme, Paul Wimborne, and Ada Chan believe emerging markets go right or wrong at the country level. Their experience is that emerging markets tend to have wide variation of economic, political and social conditions and investors need to understand these before investing in companies in those countries.

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European Equities

  • Continental European

    Paul Wild manages this long-established strategy with a pragmatic investment process that combines top-down economic and sector views with bottom-up stock picking. The strategy’s core style and risk profile has enabled it to outperform in both up and down markets.

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  • European Select Values

    Fund manager Robrecht Wouters has a highly selective, valuation-oriented investment style, which focuses on undervalued pan-European companies that generate high returns on capital. His stock-picking approach is unconstrained by benchmark weightings and combines traditional ‘value’ investing (focusing on attractive valuations on a price-to-free-cash-flow basis) and ‘quality’ characteristics, such as high return on capital employed.

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Asian Equities

  • Asia ex Japan

    Based in our Singapore office, Samir Mehta employs a fundamental-based, predominantly bottom-up investment approach. He and his team focus on Asian companies with quality, sustainable, long-term growth hallmarks, or those firms that have the potential to acquire these characteristics. These are businesses that can grow over economic and liquidity cycles and which generate high returns on the financial capital that they employ. Samir builds concentrated portfolios of typically 40-55 stocks, with low portfolio turnover and with little regard to benchmark weightings.

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  • Asia ex Japan Small & Mid Cap

    Fund manager Cho-Yu Kooi, based in our Singapore office, shares the same investment philosophy and approach as Samir Mehta, manager of the all-cap JOHCM Asia ex Japan strategy, both fund managers having worked alongside one another for many years prior to joining JOHCM in 2011. She employs a fundamental-based, predominantly bottom-up investment approach. Her and her team focus on Asian companies with quality, sustainable, long-term growth hallmarks, or those firms that have the potential to acquire these characteristics. These are businesses that can grow over economic and liquidity cycles and which generate high returns on the financial capital that they employ.

    The portfolio generally consists of stocks with a market capitalisation of less than $4 billion while close attention is paid to liquidity.

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UK Equities

  • UK Growth

    Long-standing JOHCM investor and stock picker Mark Costar aims to identify mispriced or undiscovered growth stocks that typically reside in one of three categories: the clear and unassailable market leader, the innovator or market disruptor and the supply side beneficiary. The strategy typically has a small-cap bias and contains stocks that have a high margin of safety but significant upside potential.

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  • UK Opportunities

    Fund managers Rachel Reutter and Michael Ulrich focus firstly on preserving a client’s capital and secondly, on growing that capital. Growth will be achieved over the long term through a concentrated portfolio of low risk business models purchased at attractive valuations.  The Fund typically invests in larger companies that operate with multiple products across multiple geographies. These characteristics result in a more diverse, stable and resilient stream of company cash flows.

    The team believe markets are cyclical, inefficient and prone to bouts of irrational behaviour where capital can be permanently destroyed. During such periods the managers may hold high levels of cash in order to protect the capital entrusted to them.

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  • UK Dynamic

    The team look for business transformation opportunities, under the belief that companies are dynamic and not static. These are companies that are at low points in their lifecycle, where management recognises there is a need for strategic change. These situations are often accompanied by a change in senior management or the board. These companies tend to follow a similar process: stabilise and restructure the balance sheet, employ stricter capital allocation, and sustainably improving the business model. As this plays out, the stock begins to re-rate as the market recognises the higher growth, margins, and cashflows delivered from the streamlined efficiencies.

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  • UK Equity Income

    Established stock pickers James Lowen and Clive Beagles operate a strict yield discipline: they only buy stocks that they believe will yield more than the FTSE All-Share Index on a prospective basis, although every stock held must also have the potential for capital appreciation. This focus on higher-yielding stocks leads to a naturally contrarian style. The fund managers particularly aim to add value from small and mid-cap holdings.

    Please note that for capacity reasons the strategy is now 'soft-closed' to new investors.

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