JOHCM Continental European Fund


Fund Description

Paul Wild manages this long-established fund with a pragmatic investment process that combines top-down economic and sector views with bottom-up stock picking. The Fund’s core style and risk profile has enabled it to outperform in both up and down markets and helped to build a market-leading performance track record since the Fund’s launch in 2001.
  • The Fund invests primarily in European blue chip and medium-sized companies
  • Paul Wild employs top-down sector analysis, focusing upon industry fundamentals, earnings growth potential and momentum, as well as simple sector valuations
  • Paul's bottom-up stock selection involves the identification of factors leading to potentially strong company earnings growth and positive earnings momentum (e.g. pricing power, brand positioning, financial management) and comparative valuation analysis
  • Paul adopts clear risk controls at both stock and industry level in order to maintain a low level of performance volatility.
Reasons To Invest
  • Diversified portfolio of Continental European equities primarily invested in blue chip and medium-sized companies
  • Focus upon the identification of both specific and industry-wide growth opportunities
  • The Fund has a long-term track record of combining superior capital growth with low performance volatility
  • Paul Wild

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Justin MacGregor

    Senior Analyst

    small image path

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Other European Equity Funds

JOHCM European Select Values Fund

Fund manager Robrecht Wouters has a highly selective, valuation-oriented investment style, which focuses on undervalued pan-European companies that generate high returns on capital. His stock-picking approach is unconstrained by benchmark weightings and combines traditional ‘value’ investing (focusing on attractive valuations) an...

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Investment Objective

The Fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in the equity securities of companies in the Europe ex UK region. Up to 15% of the Fund may be invested in companies domiciled outside the region.

Fund details

Data as at 31 May 2024
Fund size GBP 555.73m
Benchmark MSCI Europe ex UK NR 12pm adjusted
Domicile Ireland
Denomination GBP, EUR
Share classes

Please click here

Unit type Distribution
XD Date 31 December
Payment date 28 February
Minimum investment
A GBP 1,000
B GBP 1,000
Valuation point Daily (12pm, UK time)
Dealing frequency Daily 9-5pm

Fees and charges

Initial charge Up to 5%
Performance fee

Please review the latest factsheet for more information our fees and charges here


Status UCITS
Investment manager J O Hambro Capital Management Limited
Transfer agent and registrar Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
Depositary Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Strategy Highlights

As at 31 May 2024

A strong month for European equity markets but a month where interest rate views were front and centre; European yields saw a small increase across the curve despite expectations of a rate cut in June. Equity positivity was partially empowered by the first quarter results season, where we have seen broad earnings ahead of forecasts in most sectors. Eurozone first quarter GDP growth came in much stronger than the consensus expected at 0.3% QoQ, leading to full-year GDP forecasts being revised upwards to the current 0.7%; this shows a significant improvement from the 0.1% contraction in the fourth quarter. This was mirrored by the composite PMI at 52.3, making it clearer that consumers benefit from the inflection in real wage growth. The May flash Inflation reading rose more than expected to 2.6%, after being 2.4% in the previous month, driven by the services sector. Wage growth remains a focus for inflation, recent German collectively agreed wages rose 6.3% in the first quarter. In the US, Federal Reserve governor Jay Powell confirmed the push-out of nearer-term rate cuts as they are already priced into rate futures. His stance was seen as dovish versus some who have been calling for a further hike. Elsewhere, we had some noteworthy stimulus in China for its over-burdened property sector, with government support for local government property purchases and a relaxation in the mortgage rules. China was also in the news for the $18 billion of Biden tariffs on Chinese imports, and we are likely to hear more in the coming weeks regarding European tariffs on Chinese auto imports.

The fund marginally underperformed during May, held back by slightly weaker stock picking with positive allocation. On the stock picking side, industrials and financials dragged on performance. Ryanair was the weakest holding over the period, with the company downgrading their expectations for summer pricing from higher single digits to lower; despite this hiccup, we remain optimistic for the company’s prospects. Ryanair continues to gain market share and enjoys sector-leading operating performance whilst having the solidity of a net cash balance sheet and considerable returns to shareholders. Elsewhere, we continue to add to the new position in Prysmian, further increasing the fund’s thematic exposure to electrification. The company has significant new production capacity coming onstream in the US over the coming years and is a strong beneficiary of grid capex in the US and Europe, whilst the recently announced proposed acquisition of Encore Wire makes significant sense in strengthening their US low voltage market share.

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Percentage growth of the fund versus benchmark

Data as at 31 May 2024
A GBP share class, since launch (5 November 2001)

Return history (%)

Data as at 31 May 2024

Standardised Performance

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. The Funds investment include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Mar 19 - Mar 20 Mar 20 - Mar 21 Mar 21 - Mar 22 Mar 22 - Mar 23 Mar 23 - Mar 24
Fund -12.61% 44.56% 4.31% 9.52% 13.08%

Monthly returns (%)

Data as at 31 May 2024
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Since inception
Fund 2001 5.00 5.00
Benchmark 2001 2.66 1.65 4.35
Fund 2002 0.10 2.28 5.12 -1.95 -0.63 -6.45 -11.17 -0.55 -14.07 7.29 7.51 -7.98 -20.95
Benchmark 2002 -3.89 0.21 5.14 -2.96 0.23 -9.83 -12.74 1.16 -12.19 4.65 9.90 -8.63 -27.66
Fund 2003 -4.10 -0.38 0.63 14.29 6.36 2.06 4.55 3.48 -2.05 4.96 2.91 4.15 42.17
Benchmark 2003 -5.29 -1.81 2.40 10.42 4.26 2.05 3.32 2.74 -2.92 3.42 3.35 4.83 29.17
Fund 2004 1.69 -0.33 -4.10 3.05 -3.13 3.58 -3.96 0.26 5.08 1.17 4.03 4.35 11.69
Benchmark 2004 1.19 -0.59 -3.30 2.70 -1.74 3.69 -4.50 1.30 4.31 2.61 3.35 3.48 12.71
Fund 2005 0.68 3.32 -0.44 -4.54 6.06 2.32 8.98 -0.97 5.37 -6.47 7.31 4.96 28.53
Benchmark 2005 -0.86 3.26 -0.24 -4.21 5.82 2.39 7.75 -2.40 4.91 -3.71 5.76 4.26 24.16
Fund 2006 4.43 3.96 4.89 -0.21 -7.84 1.47 0.83 1.54 3.09 0.95 2.50 2.85 19.36
Benchmark 2006 3.05 3.01 4.17 0.22 -6.53 1.92 0.93 1.78 3.47 1.77 1.73 2.31 18.85
Fund 2007 1.43 -0.05 3.02 5.91 2.30 -1.81 -2.92 -0.60 4.71 1.20 -0.09 2.42 16.27
Benchmark 2007 0.96 0.50 2.80 6.02 2.87 -2.60 -2.56 -0.50 5.07 2.34 -0.80 2.03 16.91
Fund 2008 -11.60 3.69 -1.08 4.13 2.17 -7.85 -1.32 3.42 -13.87 -14.54 2.74 16.12 -20.34
Benchmark 2008 -12.19 3.75 0.35 4.48 2.09 -10.85 -0.33 3.30 -12.84 -17.26 1.57 17.29 -23.10
Fund 2009 -11.58 -11.99 4.71 12.80 2.33 -3.91 7.78 12.24 8.94 -3.74 0.62 3.48 19.37
Benchmark 2009 -12.76 -11.45 7.17 12.51 2.20 -3.30 8.63 9.89 6.91 -3.34 0.98 3.13 18.26
Fund 2010 -5.57 2.44 9.04 -3.48 -7.19 -3.48 5.64 -3.90 9.36 4.30 -5.00 9.38 9.73
Benchmark 2010 -7.02 2.43 8.31 -3.90 -6.78 -3.73 6.32 -4.42 10.16 3.44 -5.29 8.41 5.77
Fund 2011 2.50 1.28 1.02 3.52 -1.64 0.87 -6.50 -9.82 -6.31 13.17 -11.50 1.64 -13.37
Benchmark 2011 2.09 0.75 1.54 4.65 -2.31 0.34 -6.68 -11.40 -6.89 11.16 -8.58 1.64 -14.79
Fund 2012 5.31 6.42 -1.65 -6.09 -7.60 4.71 2.75 4.48 3.31 2.30 2.43 2.41 19.19
Benchmark 2012 5.11 5.90 -1.77 -5.10 -7.15 4.24 3.31 3.75 2.27 2.35 2.96 1.96 18.31
Fund 2013 10.09 0.89 -0.08 1.23 5.48 -4.88 7.05 -1.69 2.18 7.36 -0.16 1.28 31.59
Benchmark 2013 9.48 0.85 -0.84 2.20 3.32 -4.68 6.84 -2.18 2.22 5.94 -0.51 0.54 24.75
Fund 2014 -2.39 5.52 0.91 -1.55 2.37 -3.30 -4.11 2.03 0.59 -1.10 5.44 -3.51 0.29
Benchmark 2014 -3.76 5.77 1.23 0.08 1.51 -2.40 -3.06 1.65 -1.24 -0.87 4.92 -3.71 -0.43
Fund 2015 4.94 2.87 3.45 -0.72 2.45 -5.13 2.40 -3.73 -2.35 4.15 1.17 0.15 9.48
Benchmark 2015 4.29 2.67 3.72 -1.39 1.76 -5.88 2.43 -5.22 -2.87 4.85 1.46 -0.53 4.66
Fund 2016 -4.23 0.90 3.18 0.44 0.06 2.45 5.96 2.56 -0.21 6.43 -5.59 5.89 18.45
Benchmark 2016 -4.54 0.82 3.69 0.94 -0.70 2.42 6.60 2.18 -0.39 6.08 -5.16 6.31 18.89
Fund 2017 1.35 -1.02 3.43 0.80 5.58 -1.40 1.95 1.66 0.36 1.21 -0.60 -1.13 12.66
Benchmark 2017 1.67 0.27 4.63 1.46 5.24 -0.95 1.00 2.01 -0.81 2.05 -1.22 -0.44 15.71
Fund 2018 3.10 -3.36 -3.80 5.22 -0.98 -0.37 3.72 -1.51 0.05 -5.80 -1.15 -5.80 -10.81
Benchmark 2018 1.69 -3.51 -3.23 4.40 -0.31 -0.41 4.75 -0.97 -1.03 -5.97 -0.25 -5.16 -10.12
Fund 2019 2.53 2.09 1.48 3.30 -2.62 5.71 2.90 -2.16 0.53 -1.95 1.96 1.67 16.20
Benchmark 2019 3.65 1.74 1.82 4.92 -2.45 6.54 2.72 -1.37 0.40 -1.56 1.83 1.16 20.76
Fund 2020 -2.32 -7.65 -11.43 7.41 8.77 5.95 -0.95 2.73 -1.18 -7.56 16.59 2.86 10.23
Benchmark 2020 -1.23 -6.67 -11.33 6.73 7.06 4.40 -0.71 2.05 -0.08 -6.49 14.65 1.90 7.85
Fund 2021 -2.37 2.46 4.74 2.51 2.16 -1.41 0.25 4.86 -2.74 1.27 -2.95 5.90 15.12
Benchmark 2021 -1.90 -0.19 4.36 3.78 1.90 1.40 1.38 3.22 -3.44 1.94 -1.42 4.26 16.00
Fund 2022 -2.15 -5.98 3.19 -3.32 2.40 -8.80 3.64 -1.73 -3.36 5.18 7.30 0.98 -3.87
Benchmark 2022 -6.17 -4.74 4.39 -2.89 0.77 -8.39 6.38 -2.22 -4.92 4.33 7.63 0.02 -7.07
Fund 2023 6.13 2.57 -0.64 1.58 -2.31 0.29 0.54 -1.29 -1.18 -3.01 6.39 5.19 14.59
Benchmark 2023 5.03 2.36 0.18 1.95 -2.48 0.90 2.06 -2.15 -1.40 -2.85 5.69 4.83 14.52
Fund 2024 0.67 2.06 3.88 -0.77 2.19 8.23 665.60
Benchmark 2024 0.09 2.78 3.42 -1.33 2.47 7.56 411.04

Source and notes

JOHCM/MSCI Barra/FTSE Group/Bloomberg/Lipper.

Data shown net of fees, net income reinvested. Please note that fund performance is shown against the MSCI Europe ex UK NR 12pm adjusted. Data for the period 5 November 2001 to 31 December 2012 is shown against the FTSE Eurofirst 300 ex UK TR Index. Performance of other share classes may vary and is available on request. Where shown, monthly returns table shows compounded discrete monthly performance. During the period  5 November 2001 to 7 May 2003 the performance record is based on the pre-existing share class that had a higher management fee.


Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. The Funds investment include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Fund statistics

Data as at 31 May 2024
Fund size GBP 555.73m
Number of holdings 36

Top 10 holdings and active weights

Data as at 31 May 2024
Top 10 holdings
ASML Holding 6.74%
Novo Nordisk 6.73%
Novartis 5.28%
AXA 5.23%
CRH 5.09%
Banco Santander 4.63%
Veolia 4.04%
Airbus 4.04%
Astrazeneca Plc US$ 025 3.71%
Heineken 3.55%
Top 10 active weights
CRH +5.09%
AXA +4.48%
Veolia +3.78%
Astrazeneca Plc US$ 025 +3.71%
Banco Santander +3.67%
Autoliv Inc Shs Swedish DR +3.45%
Heineken +3.22%
Novartis +2.92%
Airbus +2.87%
VONOVIA +2.85%

Sector breakdown

Data as at 31 May 2024
Portfolio Benchmark Relative
Industrials 19.89% 17.93% 1.97%
Health Care 15.73% 16.31% -0.58%
Financials 13.91% 18.50% -4.59%
Information Technology 12.44% 9.71% 2.73%
Consumer Staples 8.22% 9.02% -0.79%
Consumer Discretionary 7.99% 11.47% -3.48%
Communication Services 5.50% 3.19% 2.31%
Materials 5.09% 5.97% -0.88%
Utilities 4.04% 3.81% 0.24%
Real Estate 3.12% 0.88% 2.23%
Energy 0.00% 3.22% -3.22%
Cash 4.05% 0.00% 4.05%

Market cap breakdown

Data as at 31 May 2024
Portfolio Benchmark Relative
Large Cap 91.87% 99.64% -7.77%
Medium Cap 3.00% 0.36% 2.64%
Small Cap 1.08% 0.00% 1.08%
Cash 4.05% 0.00% 4.05%

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Fund Group


As at noon Share class Currency Domicile ISIN number NAV per share Change   KIID
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 A - Hedged GBP GBP Ireland IE00BSJCJ493 1.835 -0.016
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 A - Hedged USD USD Ireland IE00BJ4G0G26 2.176 -0.019
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 A EUR EUR Ireland IE0033009238 5.248 -0.047
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 A GBP GBP Ireland IE0033009121 6.376 -0.061
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 B - Hedged USD USD Ireland IE00BJ4G0H33 2.215 -0.019
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 B EUR EUR Ireland IE0033009014 5.277 -0.046
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 B GBP GBP Ireland IE0031005436 6.14 -0.058
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund X - Hedged GBP Ireland IE00BDZD4P74
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 X GBP GBP Ireland IE000GIBTD95 1.29 -0.012
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 Y - Hedged GBP GBP Ireland IE00BSJCJ501 1.916 -0.017
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 Y EUR EUR Ireland IE00B98YKX92 2.023 -0.018
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 Y GBP GBP Ireland IE00B993PD05 2.349 -0.023
European Equities JOHCM Continental European Fund 02/07/2024 Y USD USD Ireland IE000UIRB5V7 1.453 -0.017

Dividend Rates

Funds paying quarterly dividends

JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund

Share class Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q3 22 Q4 22 Q1 23 Q2 23 Q3 23
A distributing GBP 1.2881 1.9828 3.4453 3.1410 1.8309 2.1053 3.2723 3.4292
A accumulating GBP 2.8152 4.3509 7.6541 7.1149 4.2268 4.9097 7.7197 8.2427
B distributing GBP  1.1897 1.8271 3.1746 2.8895 1.6822 1.9315 3.0000 3.1395
B accumulating GBP 2.6020 4.0228 7.0604 6.5526 3.8884 4.5096 7.0851 7.5529
Y distributing GBP 0.8697 1.3383 2.3274 2.1211 1.2376 1.4237 2.2134 2.3200
Y accumulating GBP 1.1364 1.7602 3.0924 2.8757 1.7088 1.9315 3.1230 3.3359

Dividends are quoted and paid in pence per share

Distribution of income occur on or before: 31 May, 31 August, 30 November and 28 February

The quarterly table above shows the last two years net dividends (on an accounting rather than a paid basis) for this fund. If you require the dividends for previous time periods, please contact Northern Trust directly on 0333 300 0359 or by email

Funds paying semi-annual dividends

Distribution of income occur on or before: 31 August and 28 February

JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (Onshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 4.7348
A - accumulating GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share  7.2848
B - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share  4.2666
B - accumulating GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 8.0119
Y - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 2.9766
Y - accumulating GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 4.2119
X - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 2.4775
X - accummulating GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 2.8519
M - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 0.6975
M - accumulating GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 0.6975
K - distributing GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 0.6130
K - accumulating  GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 0.6128

JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (Offshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
Y GBP 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 2.2517
Y EUR 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 2.1310
Y USD 31 Aug 2023 pence per chare 2.3831

JOHCM Global Select Shariah Fund 

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
A USD 31 Aug 2023 pence per share 0.3187

Funds paying annual dividends

Distribution of income occur on or before 28 February

JOHCM Asia ex Japan Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 0.0000
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
A USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 0.0000
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
B USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
Z GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.2559
Z USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0088

JOHCM Asia ex Japan Small and Mid Cap Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 0.0000
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
A USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 0.0000
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
B USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
Z GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000

JOHCM Continental European Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 10.0915
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 7.9953
A - hedge GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.9851
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 7.7618
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 6.4068
B - hedge USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.1526
Y GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 3.7378
Y - hedge GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 3.2781
Y EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.0566

JOHCM European Select Values Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.8151
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.6779
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.0318
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.8256
Y EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.8964

JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 3.9725
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.7874
A USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.7065
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 3.5330
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.4128
B USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.0881
Y GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.9039
Y USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.8124
Z GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 7.3245

JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund (onshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.5742
A - hedged GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.3240
X GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.4772

JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund (offshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.4298
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 4.1956
A USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.3076
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.8301
B USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.1239
A - hedged EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.6538
X GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 3.7875
Z GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.7774
X - hedged GBP 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.1090
X EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.9147

JOHCM Global Select Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.5774
A EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 2.0747
A USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 1.0629
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 0.0000
B EUR 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
B USD 28 Feb 2023 cents per share 0.0000
Z GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.2279

JOHCM UK Growth Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.6405
B GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.4239
X GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 2.5898

JOHCM UK Opportunities Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 6.1160
A - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 9.5564
B - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 5.7397
B - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 8.8440
Y - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 5.3515
Y - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2023 pence per share 4.1220


Net dividends quoted in the local share class currency.

If you would like more information, please contact Northern Trust directly on 0333 300 0359 or by email Email us at

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  • 13 Jul 2023

    Falling Inflation, Rising Rates

    Despite challenging macro conditions, earnings growth suggests a positive outlook for equities

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  • 22 Apr 2023

    Rock and roil: Positive returns from challenging markets

    The first quarter was a melting pot of significant events, which overall led to another positive return for both the market and the strategy.

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  • 12 Dec 2022

    European Outlook 2023

    With a tolerable monetary headwind, pockets of earnings tailwinds and modest valuations it may just be that Europe continues to shine versus its peers.

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  • 25 Mar 2022

    Europe: Where are we now?

    JOHCM Continental European Fund

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  • 02 Feb 2022

    Europe comes to the fore

    Paul Wild, manager of the JOHCM Continental European Fund, on Europe's improving macro picture and how he is positioned to benefit. 

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  • 30 Mar 2021

    Europe one year on...

    A look at the investment landscape in Europe and the key areas where we are finding opportunities. 

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  • 30 Sep 2020

    Three reasons to look again at Europe

    Is it time for investors to look again at European equities?

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  • 19 Jun 2020

    Europe three months on – a steadier ship

    The JOHCM Continental European Fund team point to signs of encouragement in European markets and economies.

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  • 23 Mar 2020

    The world has changed

    Paul Wild, manager of the JOHCM Continental European Fund, gives his take on the Coronavirus-driven sell-off. 

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Webcasts & Videos

  • Two Europes – Value and Change in European Equities

    07 Jun 2024 | 31 mins

  • JOHCM Continental European Fund Q3 2023 Update

    03 Aug 2023 | 25 mins

  • A Route Through Recession

    30 Jun 2023 | 30 mins

  • JOHCM Continental European Fund Q2 2023 Update

    25 Apr 2023 | 28 mins

  • Paul Wild

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Justin MacGregor

    Senior Analyst

    small image path

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investments include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Other European Equity Funds

JOHCM European Select Values Fund

Fund manager Robrecht Wouters has a highly selective, valuation-oriented investment style, which focuses on undervalued pan-European companies that generate high returns on capital. His stock-picking approach is unconstrained by benchmark weightings and combines traditional ‘value’ investing (focusing on attractive valuations) an...

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This webpage is designed to provide the reader with information about the J O Hambro Capital Management Continental European Fund (“Fund”) in relation to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or “SFDR” as referred to throughout this disclosure. JOHCM Funds (Ireland) Limited, the Fund’s Manager, has categorised the Fund as meeting the provisions set out in Article 8 of the SFDR. 

The information is required by law and does not form part of the Fund’s marketing materials. Its purpose is to help the reader understand the sustainability objective of this Fund. The reader is advised to read it in conjunction with the Fund’s prospectus that can be found here.


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