JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund


Fund Description

For fund managers James Syme, Paul Wimborne and Ada Chan, identifying the right countries in which to invest is the most important influence on investment performance. Complementing their top-down view is a stock selection process that focuses on identifying quality growth stocks within their favoured countries. The result is a large-cap biased portfolio of typically 50-60 stocks.

  • James, Paul and Ada believe country allocation is the major driver of outperformance in emerging markets
  • Through an exhaustive monthly country allocation process that covers all 20+ countries within the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the fund managers produce country allocation targets for each country within the index based on a five-factor analysis: Growth, Liquidity, Currency, Management/Politics and Valuation of equity market
  • Complementing their top-down view is a stock selection process that focuses on identifying quality growth stocks trading on attractive valuations within the fund managers’ favoured countries
  • Over time, they expect that top-down and bottom-up decisions will each contribute 50% of total value added
Reasons To Invest
  • Emerging markets are playing an increasingly important role in investors’ asset allocation decisions. They have witnessed dynamic expansion in recent years but should continue to drive global economic growth in the years ahead
  • Established, transparent investment process that has a long-term track record of outperformance
  • Strong emphasis on risk management and a consistent investment style tilt through the market cycle
  • James Syme

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Paul Wimborne

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Ada Chan

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.


Investment Objective

The JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation from investing in a portfolio of equity securities of companies in emerging markets around the world.

Fund details

Data as at 30 June 2024
Fund size GBP 192.07m
Strategy size GBP 2.03bn (as at 31 December 2023)
Benchmark MSCI Emerging Markets NR 12pm adjusted
Domicile Ireland
Denomination GBP, EUR, USD
Share classes

Please click here

Unit type Distribution
Minimum investment
A GBP 1,000
B GBP 1,000
Valuation point Daily (12pm, UK time)
Dealing frequency Daily 9-5pm

Fund ratings and awards

Data as at 30 June 2024

For our latest fund ratings and awards, please view our latest factsheet here

Fees and charges

Initial charge Up to 5%
Performance fee

Please review the latest factsheet for more information our fees and charges here


Status UCITS
Investment manager J O Hambro Capital Management Limited
Transfer agent and registrar Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
Depositary Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Limited

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Strategy Highlights

As at 30 June 2024

As an asset class, emerging equity markets are substantially driven by two broad global drivers: global end-demand and trade, and US dollar interest rates and liquidity. While individual markets will have their own business and credit cycles and political environments, these are always interacting with the main global drivers. One of the challenges for investors in the asset class at the present time is the differing signals these are sending.
Indicators of global demand look supportive for emerging markets. In many key emerging countries, manufacturing PMIs continued to look strong in June, while key Asian exporters Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam are seeing strength in new export orders. June Manufacturing PMIs were 52.0 in Korea, 53.2 in Taiwan and 51.1 in Mexico, with exports growing in all three countries.

In the more domestically-driven emerging economies, recent PMIs were 57.5 for India (May), 52.5 for Brazil (June) and 50.7 for Indonesia (June), all indicating growth. Consumer confidence data in these three markets also looks robust. Elsewhere, China has two PMI data series with some conflicting messages, but both measures show weaker export and domestic orders; in the Gulf, PMIs look very strong, with UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar all above 54 for June.

So far so good, but the other half of the story is about the continuing strength of the US dollar and caution about the future direction of US monetary policy. Against the DXY basket of developed market currencies, the US dollar has strengthened by 3.5% year to date, while medium- and longer-dated US government bonds have seen yields rise by about 0.4% since the start of the year.
No other major emerging market central bank has yet felt the need to follow Bank Indonesia’s surprise 0.25% policy interest rate hike seen in June, but, following the US, yield curves across EM remain higher year-to-date, and the expected timing of policy interest rate cuts in markets like Brazil and Mexico keeps being pushed out.

Meanwhile, the stronger US dollar has seen corresponding weakness in emerging market currencies like the Brazilian Real (-11.6% against the US dollar in the second quarter), Mexican Peso (-10.6%) and Indonesian Rupiah (-3.3%), which reduces returns to international investors. Although Mexico saw a surprisingly strong election win for the left-wing Morena party in the quarter, the Mexican Peso weakened alongside other similar emerging market currencies.

The strong US economy is good for emerging market exports (and remittances) but less good for US dollar liquidity. In the current environment, we continue to find opportunities in some emerging markets where growth (particularly corporate earnings growth) remains attractive, even if the current US liquidity environment is a headwind. These particularly include Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia - each of these has seen strong upward revisions to corporate earnings expectations year-to-date. Although local currency weakness has been a drag on returns in each of these, we remain confident that US dollar softness, when it comes, will create the conditions for strong returns from these markets.

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Percentage growth of the fund versus benchmark

Data as at 30 June 2024
A GBP share class, since launch (30 June 2011)

Return history (%)

Data as at 30 June 2024

Standardised Performance

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. You should not base your decision to invest on this document. The Funds investment include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile. 

Jun 19 - Jun 20 Jun 20 - Jun 21 Jun 21 - Jun 22 Jun 22 - Jun 23 Jun 23 - Jun 24
Fund -3.72% 23.53% -11.45% 3.43% 7.70%

Monthly returns (%)

Data as at 30 June 2024
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Since inception
Fund 2011 -2.90 -7.42 -9.23 10.91 -6.08 -15.00
Benchmark 2011 -2.13 -9.44 -10.12 10.93 -6.42 1.36 -16.19
Fund 2012 6.82 6.17 -5.29 -2.08 -8.95 -0.61 4.08 -0.36 4.65 -0.46 0.92 1.47 5.29
Benchmark 2012 9.39 5.02 -3.98 -2.73 -6.86 1.97 3.27 -2.02 3.95 1.59 4.03 13.27
Fund 2013 4.31 2.79 -1.85 -1.44 2.58 -8.64 2.04 -3.17 2.30 6.16 -1.00 -1.13 2.10
Benchmark 2013 3.65 2.67 -1.74 -1.74 -0.28 -6.87 1.83 -3.88 2.63 5.52 -3.62 -2.35 -4.79
Fund 2014 -6.05 2.81 0.24 -1.07 6.71 -0.22 3.04 2.40 -4.37 3.79 2.47 -2.94 6.23
Benchmark 2014 -6.61 2.57 2.75 -0.26 4.71 0.16 3.45 3.37 -4.88 2.10 1.26 -4.19 3.74
Fund 2015 7.69 -0.91 3.27 4.35 -1.80 -7.05 -6.65 -7.12 -1.44 8.26 -0.22 -1.35 -4.41
Benchmark 2015 4.33 0.32 2.70 3.75 -2.70 -6.20 -6.29 -7.65 -1.87 6.41 -1.32 -1.49 -10.61
Fund 2016 -6.50 2.32 7.63 -2.44 -1.25 12.99 8.34 3.76 2.90 3.61 -6.62 0.73 26.34
Benchmark 2016 -3.99 3.64 9.36 -0.88 -3.35 11.91 7.43 3.58 2.27 6.62 -6.72 1.52 34.03
Fund 2017 5.27 2.78 3.63 -1.47 4.72 0.55 3.93 3.48 -3.36 6.28 -2.14 1.96 28.23
Benchmark 2017 4.22 3.46 2.40 -1.85 4.13 -0.50 4.79 4.08 -4.26 4.96 -1.09 2.82 25.15
Fund 2018 -1.17 -2.48 -3.37 3.95 0.97 -1.40 1.42 -1.11 -1.42 -6.05 4.51 -3.62 -9.82
Benchmark 2018 3.20 -2.08 -4.01 2.49 -0.63 -3.22 2.43 -1.84 -0.65 -7.08 4.71 -2.67 -9.57
Fund 2019 3.84 -1.17 5.23 1.13 -1.34 4.98 1.80 -3.95 1.10 -3.27 -1.05 4.18 11.48
Benchmark 2019 5.45 -0.49 1.60 3.28 -4.44 5.72 3.08 -5.33 1.12 -0.91 0.31 4.90 14.44
Fund 2020 -2.10 -3.81 -14.12 11.27 0.83 7.65 -0.46 0.31 2.14 0.37 6.35 5.76 12.47
Benchmark 2020 -3.77 -3.70 -12.29 8.99 1.23 8.44 1.77 2.21 -0.28 2.15 6.49 4.44 14.60
Fund 2021 1.11 0.93 1.58 0.32 0.97 2.17 -5.13 1.45 -1.89 -1.72 -0.13 3.58 2.99
Benchmark 2021 3.10 -1.33 -0.52 1.88 -1.34 3.87 -7.21 3.48 -1.51 -1.07 -1.01 0.72 -1.43
Fund 2022 -0.38 -4.53 -0.21 -0.42 1.97 -4.27 0.43 4.80 -3.56 -4.33 6.23 -0.56 -5.36
Benchmark 2022 -1.90 -2.44 -0.10 -1.42 -0.04 -2.55 -1.01 5.37 -7.64 -7.13 10.29 -1.00 -10.29
Fund 2023 3.05 -3.29 1.52 -1.21 -1.30 2.19 3.08 -3.82 -0.87 -4.44 3.05 3.92 1.39
Benchmark 2023 4.90 -4.65 0.79 -1.96 -0.52 1.08 4.46 -4.44 0.44 -3.08 3.61 3.21 3.29
Fund 2024 -4.86 6.01 3.95 1.24 -2.66 3.64 7.08 79.86
Benchmark 2024 -4.14 5.08 2.86 1.32 -1.05 4.40 8.45 65.15

Source and notes


Data shown net of fees, net income reinvested. Performance of other share classes may vary and is available on request. Please note that all fund performance is shown against the MSCI Emerging Markets NR 12pm adjusted in GBP. Performance of other share classes may vary and is available on request. Where shown, monthly returns table shows compounded discrete monthly performance.


Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. You should not base your decision to invest on this document. The Funds investment include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile. 

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Fund statistics

Data as at 30 June 2024
Fund size GBP 192.07m
Number of holdings 52

Top 10 holdings and active weights

Data as at 30 June 2024
Top 10 holdings
Taiwan Semiconductor 10.14%
Tencent 8.34%
Samsung Electronics 4.04%
Meituan 3.18%
Mahindra & Mahindra 3.06%
Itau Unibanco 2.94%
HDFC Bank 2.81%
Emaar Properties 2.60%
Top 10 active weights
Tencent +4.16%
Mahindra & Mahindra +2.64%
Itau Unibanco +2.56%
Barrick Gold +2.42%
Emaar Properties +2.40%
CEMEX +2.35%
Meituan +2.23%
ENN Energy Holdings +2.16%

Sector breakdown

Data as at 30 June 2024
Portfolio Benchmark Relative
Financials 24.47% 21.92% 2.55%
Information Technology 16.40% 25.11% -8.71%
Consumer Discretionary 14.24% 12.26% 1.98%
Communication Services 8.53% 8.87% -0.34%
Consumer Staples 8.11% 5.17% 2.94%
Materials 6.81% 6.91% -0.09%
Real Estate 6.51% 1.46% 5.04%
Industrials 4.59% 6.92% -2.32%
Energy 4.17% 5.23% -1.06%
Utilities 2.69% 2.96% -0.27%
Health Care 0.76% 3.20% -2.44%
Cash 2.72% 0.00% 2.72%

Market cap breakdown

Data as at 30 June 2024
Portfolio Benchmark Relative
Large Cap 81.42% 79.56% 1.86%
Medium Cap 15.01% 20.44% -5.43%
Small Cap 0.84% 0.00% 0.84%
Cash 2.72% 0.00% 2.72%

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.

Fund Group


As at noon Share class Currency Domicile ISIN number NAV per share Change   KIID
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 A EUR EUR Ireland IE00B3ZBLW75 1.58 0.013
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 A GBP GBP Ireland IE00B4002N46 1.416 0.012
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 A USD USD Ireland IE00B4M6CN00 1.176 0.01
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 B EUR EUR Ireland IE00B4TRCR07 1.559 0.013
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 B GBP GBP Ireland IE00B41RZ573 1.361 0.012
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 B USD USD Ireland IE00B4XXMP29 1.536 0.013
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 Y GBP GBP Ireland IE00BYSGJY42 1.708 0.015
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 Y USD USD Ireland IE00BYSGJZ58 1.431 0.012
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Z - Class AUD Ireland IE00B5W6ZB60
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 Z - Class CAD CAD Ireland IE00BBPK0L23 1.709 0.013
Emerging Markets Equities JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund 26/07/2024 Z - Class GBP GBP Ireland IE00B6R54W91 1.787 0.016

Dividend Rates

Funds paying quarterly dividends

JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund

Share class Q3 22 Q4 22 Q1 23 Q2 23 Q3 23 Q4 23 Q1 24 Q2 24 (estimated)
A distributing GBP 3.141 1.831 2.105 3.272 3.429 1.561 1.710 3.862524
A accumulating GBP 7.115 4.227 4.910 7.720 8.243 3.821 4.223 9.627698
B distributing GBP 2.890 1.682 1.932 3.000 3.140 1.480 1.561 3.52353
B accumulating GBP 6.553 3.888 4.510 7.085 7.553 3.498 3.860 8.792624
Y distributing GBP 2.121 1.238 1.424 2.213 2.320 1.056 1.158 2.615854
Y accumulating GBP 2.876 1.709 1.932 3.123 3.336 1.547 1.710 3.899444
X distributing GBP 1.570 0.915 1.053 1.638 1.717 0.782 0.857 1.937067
M distributing GBP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.785 1.005 2.272155
M accumulating GBP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.785 1.012 2.30927

Dividends are quoted and paid in pence per share

Distribution of income occur on or before: 31 May, 31 August, 30 November and 28 February

The quarterly table above shows the last two years net dividends (on an accounting rather than a paid basis) for this fund. If you require the dividends for previous time periods, please contact Northern Trust directly on 0333 300 0359 or by email

Funds paying semi-annual dividends

Distribution of income occur on or before: 31 August and 28 February

JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (Onshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate (estimated)
A - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 4.735399
A - accumulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share  7.59417
B - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share  4.245882
B - accumulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 8.311086
Y - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.974221
Y - accumulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 4.383506
X - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.47997
X - accummulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.972206
L - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.444
L - accummulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.425166
M - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.420092
M - accumulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.476813
K - distributing GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.472
K - accumulating GBP 30 Aug 2024 pence per share 2.525192

JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (Offshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling Y Shares GBP 31 Jul 2024 pence per share 2.4668
Euro Y Shares EUR 31 Jul 2024 pence per share 2.476
US Dollar Y Shares USD 31 Jul 2024 pence per chare 2.845

JOHCM Global Select Shariah Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
US Dollar A Shares USD 31 Jul 2024 pence per share 0.4694

Funds paying annual dividends

Distribution of income occur on or before 28 February

JOHCM Asia ex Japan Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 3.0011
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.3900
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.9114
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 1.5626
US Dollar B Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.2851
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.5605
Sterling Z Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.6312
US Dollar Z Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.7222

JOHCM Asia ex Japan Small and Mid Cap Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 0.0000
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Euro A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 0.0000
US Dollar B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Euro B Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Sterling Z Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.56820

JOHCM Continental European Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 5.7782
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.7784
Euro Y Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.4506
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 7.1582
Sterling A Shares - Hedge GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.3875
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 4.5079
Sterling X Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 1.6701
Sterling Y Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.8389
Sterling Y Shares - Hedge GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.5828
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.8816
US Dollar B Shares - Hedge USD 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 0.9958
US Dollar Y Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 1.7692

JOHCM European Select Values Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 5.5762
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.5682
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.6361
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.233
Euro X Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.5376
Euro Y Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.1704

JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.2775
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.8887
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.4749
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 1.4135
US Dollar B Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.5795
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.571
Sterling Y Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.9977
US Dollar Y Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.5092
Sterling Z Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 4.4746
Canadian Dollar Z Shares CAD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 4.0653

JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund (onshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A DISTRIBUTING GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.411497
A ACCUMULATING GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.699908
X DISTRIBUTING GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.460528
X ACCUMULATING GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.526286
A ACCUMULATING HEDGED GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.361961

JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund (offshore)

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 4.1679
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.958
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 4.5388
Euro A Shares - Hedge EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.8065
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 4.0053
US Dollar B Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.2958
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.6494
Sterling X Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 3.6351
Euro X Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.1128
Sterling X Shares - Hedge GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.9782
Sterling Z Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.8735
Euro Z Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.3066

JOHCM Global Select Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in  Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.915
US Dollar A Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 1.5321
Euro A Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 2.6999
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 0.0000
US Dollar B Shares USD 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Euro B Shares EUR 28 Feb 2024 cents per share 0.0000
Sterling Z Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 4.2729

JOHCM UK Growth Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
Sterling A Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 5.1881
Sterling B Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.8603
Sterling X Shares GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 2.8694

JOHCM UK Opportunities Fund

Share class Currency Pay date Dividend paid in Dividend rate
A - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 6.322169
A - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 10.185733
B - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 5.90282
B - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 9.378544
Y - accumulating GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 4.26672
Y - distributing GBP 28 Feb 2024 pence per share 5.711236

Net dividends quoted in the local share class currency.

If you would like more information, please contact Northern Trust directly on 0333 300 0359 or by email Email us at

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    The dollar is stronger than it’s been in 20 years. What’s the impact on emerging markets?

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  • 15 Apr 2024

    Strong Economies, Falling Rates

    Rates in Mexico and Brazil are coming down. Despite cautious guidance, we believe further cuts will be ahead of consensus

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  • 19 Mar 2024

    Another Look at Emerging Markets

    As investors move away from China, we look at some interesting alternatives

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  • 07 Mar 2024

    The Emirati Edge

    The UAE has made major strides in diversifying its economy away from hydrocarbons, leveraging astute diplomacy to develop global services and property sectors

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  • 09 Feb 2024

    Foreign Investors Are Voting to Leave China

    Technical indicators reveal the negative effect of foreigners disinvesting Chinese Stocks

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  • 08 Jan 2024

    Elections Set the Agenda for 2024

    Elections in Russia and the US may be very different in both form and substance, but they will set the tone for emerging markets in what will be a year of elections worldwide

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  • 20 Dec 2023

    India’s Digital Miracle

    India's digital revolution and its journey to become the world's third-largest economy

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Webcasts & Videos

  • Out of China…into Where?

    27 Oct 2023 | 29 mins

  • JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Q4 2021 Update

    24 Jan 2022 | 21 mins

  • JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Q3 2021 Update

    26 Oct 2021 | 20 mins

  • JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund Q3 2021 Update

    26 Oct 2021 | 20 mins

  • James Syme

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Paul Wimborne

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path
  • Ada Chan

    Senior Fund Manager

    small image path

This is a marketing communication.

Information on the rights of investors can be found here.

The registrations of the funds described in this communication may be terminated by JOHCM at its discretion from time to time. The investment promoted concerns the acquisition of shares in a fund and not the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Investing in companies in emerging markets involves higher risk than investing in established economies or securities markets. Emerging Markets may have less stable legal and political systems, which could affect the safe-keeping or value of assets. Investments may include shares in small-cap companies and these tend to be traded less frequently and in lower volumes than larger companies making them potentially less liquid and more volatile.


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