Views & News

A View from Asia

| Asian Equities
Samir Mehta
12 Jun 2019
  • Given the breakdown of negotiations between the US and China in May, our long-planned company visit trip to China could not have been better timed.
  • Our working assumptions are that growth rates (in China and globally) will moderate while the volatility of growth will increase, while governments and central banks across the world, not just in China, will increasingly try to cushion negative outcomes in almost every country.
  • We have tried to focus on companies that have managed the disruptive forces of online commerce and stand a better chance of success - with uncertainty emanating from restrictive trade policies, vigilance over second order effects (like moderation of consumer demand) will be one of the main variables to monitor.

  • Given the breakdown of negotiations between the US and China in May, our long-planned company visit trip to China could not have been better timed.
  • Our working assumptions are that growth rates (in China and globally) will moderate while the volatility of growth will increase, while governments and central banks across the world, not just in China, will increasingly try to cushion negative outcomes in almost every country.
  • We have tried to focus on companies that have managed the disruptive forces of online commerce and stand a better chance of success - with uncertainty emanating from restrictive trade policies, vigilance over second order effects (like moderation of consumer demand) will be one of the main variables to monitor.


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