Views & News

A View from Asia

| Asian Equities
Samir Mehta
13 Feb 2019
  • When the Chair of the Federal Reserve can diametrically alter his views in a matter of less than two months, it is best, in my view, to refrain from making any predictions.
  • I have significantly reduced my cyclical exposure given the macro uncertainty, but compensated by increasing exposure to the ASEAN markets where stocks are cheap and unloved.
  • In any event, my comfort level with the stocks we own is reasonably high.

  • When the Chair of the Federal Reserve can diametrically alter his views in a matter of less than two months, it is best, in my view, to refrain from making any predictions.
  • I have significantly reduced my cyclical exposure given the macro uncertainty, but compensated by increasing exposure to the ASEAN markets where stocks are cheap and unloved.
  • In any event, my comfort level with the stocks we own is reasonably high.


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