Since our foundation in 1993, our purpose has been to generate robust financial returns for our clients to maintain and enhance the future purchasing power of their wealth. To achieve this objective, we have continually evolved to meet the challenges of social, technological, and economic change, navigating our investment strategies through wars, recessions, and financial crises while remaining steadfast in our role as trusted stewards of our clients' assets.
We have a responsibility to act as trusted and effective stewards of clients’ wealth and recognise that they will have different objectives and values in the pursuit of investment returns to support their savings or retirement objectives.
A commitment to active management lies at the heart of our approach to investing the assets of our diverse range of global clients. Central to our approach is a focus on the allocation of capital by the companies in which we invest to deliver resilient long-term returns to shareholders. Robust corporate governance is an important pillar for developing an effective strategy for enduring value-creation, an objective which our stewardship activities seek to support.
As a performance-led active investment management company, we offer our clients differentiated regional equity, global equity, impact and sustainable thematic strategies. Our portfolio managers have investment autonomy within their mandates, subject to meeting regulatory and client-led investment restrictions. We have no ‘house’ view on economies, markets, sectors or stocks. This leads to a diversity of views and approaches across investment teams. Each investment team integrates material environmental and social issues, and how companies are governed, in a manner that reflects their own outlook and investment philosophy and aligned to meeting the objectives in fund or strategy specific guidelines.
The evolving economic impact of sustainability-related challenges is being felt across a wide range of industries and economic activities, including changing consumer preferences. Assimilating this data into investment decision making is part of getting the full investment picture. To aid our investment teams in managing these new sources of data, and growing client and regulatory demands, we have invested in building a data science capability to provide proprietary tools and models to support good investment outcomes and transparent reporting.